Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 54: Unwritten

My lola gave me a journal when I was already working. According to her, I was the only one among all her grandchildren who takes after her love of reading and writing. She said nothing could distract me when I am reading, which was so like her. However, I never get to write anything on the journal that she gave me. Then I bought another one, and just last Christmas my student Shaun gave me one too.

If only I could buy time. Then maybe one day I could just drag it out from my bedside table and just write, write, and write some more.

Day 53: Just Another Day

After a  busy day at work, it felt so good to take off my shoes and curl up on my bed. This shoes was a testament how excruciating my day was. We had a change in the routine at the center which confused our students, us as well. But enough of that, at least I get to have a mid-week break.

Day 52: Comfort Food

My mom's cooking never fails. There's just something about her dish that makes me want to kearn it, but then again, I've always been so good at just tasting them. This one puts a smile on my face before and after having it.

Day 51: Movie Time

I love Sundays! This is because I get to watch one or two movies while munching on my favorite snack. For today, it's Fruitas (Banana Smoothie) and Cheetos.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 50: Inspire

Sleep as long as you need to. Celebrate your half-birthdays. Take time for every dream. These are some lines that I particularly like in this book. What makes me like it more is that I don't have to read it in order. I can just flip though the pages and read them leisurely.

Day 49: Little Miss

I adore Little Miss shirts. This one if my favorite.

Day 48: Win Mugs

I adored Winnie the Pooh at some point in my life. I even had those stationary pads that I never used. My friends and I used to visit this store at Robinson's Galleria, Morning Glory, to buy cute stuff that we just find so adorable.

Day 47: Mcnaughtized

I've been a fan of JM ever since college days. Of all her books, there's only one that I haven't read yet. As you can see, there are some that are in need of re-wrapping BADLY. I think I've overused some but I just can't help it. Her books are just to die for (I'm exaggerating, I know). After reading Every Breath You Take, I can't wait for the next one to come out, which will be around December this year according to a website I visited.

Day 46: Oh My Giraffe

This pencil was a gift from one of our students, Kitchie, last 2009. I can't make myself use it, it's just too adorable to be used.

Day 45: Vday

I wore black today to work. It's not that I don't want to celebrate Vday (and not that I have to) but the sight of red really makes me cringe. Wearing red to work would have been a killjoy. Just my two cents. Happy Vday nevertheless.

Day 44: Happy Birthday Dad

We always hold our family reunion around this time of the year. It also happens that today was my dad's birthday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 43: Bonded

Lunch with friends never fails to make me feel good. Even if we had to wait for 45 minutes for our lunch to be served, we were able to occupy that time chatting, laughing and bickering.

Day 42: Medicine

The thought of taking medicines is making me feel more sick. I can't even get it on time especially if I have tons of work to do. However, it's different when I looked at this med my doctor prescribed. I love anything green. It even looked like small M&Ms only in foil pack.

Day 41: Needle Day

I had a check up today and lab test that was conducted was PAINFUL. I'm not afraid of needles, I was even looking while the needle pierced my skin. It's just that I felt the pain after it was done.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 40: Idle Time

Picture taken at Cardinal Santos General Hospital. My dad had an early appointment with the doctor for a check up. We were an hour early. It's like we were the first people to arrive there. Luckily, my dad's doctor was even earlier so he was able to have his check up while I was waiting outside, listening to the chirping of the birds from an open window.

Day 39: Temptation in a Wrapper

Temptation is an arm's length away. I just hope I wouldn't give in too easily...Ooops, I'm already munching on the Ferrero as of this writing.

Day 38: Home for the Books

After an exhausting Monday madness, it seems that our books suffered the same.

Day 37: Dessert

Dessert is my favorite part of the meal. Today, I've decided to have a yogurt jelly, which is one of my favorites.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 36: Keys Be With Me

Keys are the second thing I can't and will not leave the house without. 

Day 35: Candy Corner

I was thinking of having a candy container on my work table. This will also serve as treats for some of my little ones at the center. But before I do that, I have to organize, yes, O-R-G-A-N-I-Z-E my things. There's my IN tray, answer books, pencil holder, stapler, etc to think of.

Day 34: Pasta

I made pesto pasta today. Experimental, yes, but definitely worth trying. I used the before-the-cooking penne pasta since it looked way better than the finished product.

Day 33: Whirl-Wind

Isn't it windy today? This is what December should have felt like. It feels good to see that the trees are swaying with the wind, like they are in tune with each other.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 32: Pie Anyone?

My sister came home with these sweet treats. It's banofee pie using graham crackers, toffee and banana bread topped with whip cream and choco chips. Although the whip cream was already starting to melt, it tasted heavenly. I didn't even wait to chill it. After taking so many shots, I satisfied myself by forking it one after the other.

Day 31: Romantics

These are the scents my friend and I wear. It's Amber Romance Midnight for her and Amber Romance for me.  I love that AR gives off a warm vanilla-like scent. It smells delicious too!